Computer course & Library visit
Today was the computer course. We met in the morning in one of the computer labs of Fabrikki building. The purpouse of this was to familiarize with computer technoligies using by students and teachers of University of Vaasa. We made the acquaintance of Wompat, which is online courses timetable arranger, WebOodi, that serves for exams booking, Moodle, that is e-learning portal, University webmail, setting up IMAP protocol for e.g. Thunderbird or Outlook mail clients to reading school mailbox and how to subscribe to esn list, which is mailing list for exchange students here in University of Vaasa.

Then we walk to the city library with tutors (it's different from university library). It is big building with lots of publications. But the most interresting thing for me was robot for books sorting, that people are returning. You can see how it works on short videoclip below.
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