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6. 1. 2007

First cooking

Today we tried to cook here in our apartment for the very first time. We decided for spaghetti. This simple recipe is from my girlfriend:

Ingredients (for two people)

  • 5 sausages - about 150 grams (we used Atria Nakki);
  • 1 middle-sized onion (better the red kind);
  • 1/4 garlic;
  • 200 ml tomato ketchup (we used Euro Shopper - the cheaper ones are more suitable);
  • Spice mix for pasta (we used Aaria spagettimauste Palermo - mix of oregano, sweet basil, thyme, cayenne and chilli);
  • salt;
  • sunflower oil;
  • 1/2 cup water;
  • 200 grams spaghetti pastries (we used Barilla spaghetti n°5);
  • 80 grams grated cheese (we used Arla Finello Pasta - mix of Cheddar, Regato and Emmental).


Warm up oil in a pot. Add onion cutted into small pieces and fry until onion looks like glass. Add sausages cutted to slices and fry for a while with mixing. Then add water, ketchup, salt and spice. Wait until it boil and add smashed (or cutted into very small pieces) garlic. Simmer, uncovered, for about 30 minutes until sauce get thicken. In another pot make boiled water for pastries. Don't forget add one spoon of salt. When water bubble over add spaghetti. Simmer for about 8 minutes (it depends on manufacturer of pastries). Serve hot and sprinkle with grated cheese.

2 komentárov:

Anonymný povedal(a)...

xexe pan domaci "u plotny" ...nechaj si skratit chodidla :D

Róbert Komorovský povedal(a)...

translation of dr's post:

haha, landlord with cook-range... just shorten your foots :D

- Of course bro ;)